Most of my posts I loved and enjoyed writing, and some were admittedly "meh." Too many times to count in putting down the stories, other memories that had slipped my mind came crashing back to leave me to wonder how I could have ever forgotten such events and feelings. It was refreshing to recall, but frightening how fluid thoughts could be.
This weekend, or more likely next weekend, I will also finish the third draft of my novel. I am concerned that for a Science-Fantasy-Hero genre novel that it is entirely too long at 550 pages, but after a rewrite of the first two chapters and some whittling down of some of the unnecessary elements and sentences on the fourth draft I will be ready to do queries, a synopsis and begin collecting the rejection letters mixed with many acceptances provided I pay the an agent a reading fee. I will have queries out before the end of the year.
Now that I have hit the 100 post mark, I will be scaling back to two or three posts a week so that I can begin storyboarding one of the six screenplays that I have in mind. I will also be working on a comic book script for my comic book writing course, which I just started. The completed comic script will be done in five weeks and the first screenplay should be finished before the end of the year. After that, I will begin the sequel to my novel sometime during February 2011. If it wasn't for the pesky day job, I can only imagine how quickly my writing would improve and the the amount of stories in all mediums that I could produce. Then of course there is the young adult novel series and the quirky Tulip website that I want to do.
Regardless, I am excited for what is yet to come, what I have yet to learn, and I what I have yet to create. I would also like to thank my one faithful reader, Obie, the Boston Terrier and Tulip's brother...just kidding. Thank you to Amy for helping me with my novel, listening to me read most of my posts and for being very supportive of what I do.

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