Friday Slice of Heaven
Jimmy Olsen - One Shot - Written by Nick Spencer and illustrated by RB Silva, published by DC Comics. I never in my life entertained the thought of reading a book about Superman's best pal, Jimmy Olsen, but with all of the raving about this book I thought that I would give it a try; thank goodness I did. This comic was funny, clever, and engaging in a way that had me not wanting to put the book down until I had finished reading it.
I was instantly reminded of the more lighthearted '70s comics that I grew up reading and loving from the days before Miller and Moore brought the dreary. Don't get me wrong, I like the dreary, but Jimmy Olsen made me remember a style of comics that I had forgotten about. Spencer infuses the comic with witty and hip dialogue that worked for the story (ala Buffy the Vampire Slayer) as opposed to putting people off by trying too hard to be cute and failing (ala the last season of The Gilmore Girls...the one without the original creators).
Understandably, this one might tick off some of those who bought the original issues of Superman in which this story was serialized and I believe left unfinished, but seeing as how I usually do not care about Superman--with the exception of the phenomenal All-Star Superman
Nonplayer - Everythinged by Nate Simpson, published by Image Comics. For this one, let's ignore the fact that I just met Nate Simpson at Wondercon last week and that he is one of the nicest creators I have ever met; let's talk about the book itself. Nonplayer is one of the most beautiful books I have ever seen with each page deserving a framed place on the wall, but this comic is not just a visual show stopper, it has an equally intriguing and well thought out story that hooked me within a couple of pages.
In the online fantasy game world of Jarvanth, Dana Stevens escapes the depressing real world and her humdrum life, but when she and a friend kill a NPC (NonPlayer Character...get it) and the other NPCs go berserk, something has possibly gone awry. Thankfully, Dana can also escape her surrounding real world of blight and poverty by turning on her LifeSkin. Even reality can be altered to the players wishes.
I know the next issue is going to take a while to release--quality demands time--and that is fine. Even if this series draws the wait out to Bad Dog length's, this series has every indication of being worth it. I also need to mention the gorgeous color palette Simpson uses to great effect with each page. If you can find it, buy it! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
The Sixth Gun #10 - Written by Cullen Bunn and illustrated by Brian Hurtt, published by Oni Press. About frickin' time I got this book in my hands. Why is getting a hold of each issue of The Sixth Gun such a traumatic journey. Geez Louise, my LCS did not have it at release, nowhere in San Francisco--including the amazing Isotope Comics--had it in stock and even the Oni Press booth at Wondercon did not bring it to the show. Hell, even Brian Hurtt, who was signing at the booth did not yet have his copy. Thankfully the latest installment of one of my favorite comics was waiting for me on Wednesday at my LCS.
In this issue, Becky Montcrief continues regretting her decision concerning Kirby Hale, the bad butler gets ugly, Drake Sinclair learns another clue towards the nature of the guns, a golem knocks the bejesus out of someone and Becky gets in over her head. Another tightly-written killer issue with more lovely art from Brian Hurtt. My only slight confusion was a decision Becky makes, but I think it will be explained in the next issue. Still VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Sweet Tooth #20 - Written and illustrated by Jeff Lemire, published by Vertigo Comics, a DC Comics imprint. Two of my favorite books in the same read...all I needed was a new Stuff of Legend
Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of saying it, but you need to buy this book! Even my wife liked it, although she said it was so heavy that she needed to take a break after the first trade and this is indeed a dark series, but one of the best I have ever read. Still VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
To be continued with even more great comics!
Slice Into the Woods
Boring Personal Crap That Only Applies To a Whiner Like Donist - Seriously, you don't want to hear it. Let's just say that I am (and have been) working to change things. Time will tell.

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