*Obie, through his dabbling in arcane magics mixed with ancient corrupt business practices, has had not just the colors of his fur switched, but a complete overhaul of his work ethic as well…I think I’m kinda okay with the mishap.
***Possible Spoilers Below***
Friday Slice of Heaven
Powers of X #5
(Written by Jonathan Hickman, written by R.B. Silva, colored by Marte Garcia, lettered by VC’s Clayton Cowles, designs by Tom Muller, published by Marvel Comics)I can’t believe there are only two issues remaining of this amazing Marvel event that looks to not only restart the X-verse, but also bring this Donist back into the fold on at least a couple of titles that drop before the dust has a chance to settle. I’m still on shaky ground with the X3 moments (that’s 1000 years in the future from the time the story takes place), but the other time periods—X0, X1, X2, or rather year one, year 10, year 100—continue to rock my world. As I keep mentioning, the revelations of Moira MacTaggert’s mutant ability have been playing through my mind for well over a month now, and last week’s revelation behind Professor Xavier’s project involving the “Five” also sent my mind on a trip of wonderment that I haven’t yet had time to recover from. Now, here, Hickman hits us with the Cerebro/Xavier system of backing up mutant minds and although it is bonkers insane, it is somewhat steeped in reality in regard to how data files are backed up incrementally and as a whole. Here Xavier works with Forge to hammer out a system to back up the minds of every mutant in the world and it is fascinating in what is necessary to pull off such a venture. The twists don’t stop there as Xavier, Magneto, and Emma Frost devise a distribution system to distribute Krakoa-created pharmaceuticals that the non-mutant populace will forever need, as the trio, more importantly, devise a council of 12 mutants who will be the first government of Krakoa; we learn of four of the mutants who will have a seat while gaining a glimpse at one or two other possible future members. Everything is painstakingly thought out by Hickman and expertly brought to life by Silva and Gracia is both compelling storytelling and dramatic scenes. One thing you do not see much of in HoXPoX is mutants punching mutants/villains/heroes/etc., which is certain to turn off some readers as will the complexity of the mutliple storylines and timelines and mysteries as to what has happened, what is happening, what will happen in the future, and where it will all lead, but for readers like myself, I am loving every moment of it all. If you aren’t buying the 12 issues and are waiting to purchase the oversized hardcover (I will be double-dipping) come December, just know that eight X-Books are set to release upon completion of HoXPoX and it’s looking like having a handle on these events in this maxiseries will be helpful before diving into what is to come. Plus, it’s really damn good.
Black Science #43
(Written by Rick Remender, illustrated by Mateo Scalera, colored by Moreno Dinisio, lettered by Rus Wooton, edited by Briah Skelly, published by Image Comics)And with that, Black Science comes to its conclusion. The series first appeared in November 2013 (or thereabouts) and was one that instantly pulled me in with the promise of travel to strange, parallel worlds, but it quickly morphed to be about family and the baggage we carry with us that we allow to harm ourselves and our relationships as we rinse, recycle, and repeat, seemingly unable to break the negative cycles that plague us. Never fear, though, there are plenty of death cult millipedes, trolls, monsters, and time travelers with rayguns to keep things exciting. I’ve enjoyed the series from beginning to end and although some issues and arcs had greater high points than others, the journey was worth it. Scalera’s art took me one issue to get used to—Grant’s super-pointy nose—but I was in love by the time issue I had issue two in my hand and now worship ground/page the man’s pencils/inks touch. If you never read this thrilling series from Remender and Scalera, then you can easily read the entire shebang through the nine trades (ninth drops near the beginning of November) or wait until you can find a copy of the hardcovers).
Deadly Class #40
(Written by Rick Remender, illustrated by Wes Craig, colored by Justin Boyd, lettered by Rus Wooton, edited by Briah Skelly, production by Erika Schnatz, published by Image Comics)Maria and Saya reunited! Master Lin knows Saya lives! That alone is reason enough for Deadly Class fans to pick up this issue, but that’s only the first seven pages. The rest of the issue follows metal-head Helmut and skate-rat Tosahwi as they go to find Helmut’s deceased girlfriend Petra’s parents in hopes of discovering what it is they did to her to cause her so much emotional damage. Spoiler alert: the pair kind of find out and it isn’t pretty. This issue kicks off a new and exciting story arc that Helmut fans like myself will love, especially given the insanity of what Helmut and Tosahwi find out in the quiet suburbs of Petra’s hometown. Deadly Class continues to be a blast and if you are as devastated by the cancelation of the television show after one season as I am, then there is no better remedy than reading this always great comic. You can, as of this writing, pick up the eight available trades or supersize on the two hardcovers, just be sure you read this series in one form or another.
That’s if for this week, Denizens, my puppy executive team and I are off to hit up the California Brew and BBQ Festival today before coming back to dive into some great comics. See you next time and thanks for reading!

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