Kibbles ’N’ Bots: Tulip the Superpowered Boston Terrier (Book 1)
Hello there, Donist World denizens! I’m both proud and thrilled to announce that my novel Kibbles ’N’ Bots is now available for the Kindle at Actually, it was available yesterday, but I had to create my author profile, which I could not do without my book first showing up on Amazon. I also had some other author, who shares my last name, somehow linked to my book, so I had to remove KnB from their listing of novels, have his name removed from my product page, and then have my information added where it should be. Thankfully, all it took was a quick email to Amazon and they were on it quick as the Flash.
Anyhow, here are the specifics, most of which will appear in the one sheet I build over the next day or two:
Title: Kibbles ’N’ Bots
Subtitle: Tulip the Superpowered Boston Terrier: Book 1
Author: Don McMillan
Story Editor: Robert E. Anderson (Rex Zombie Killer, Creature Cops: Special Varmints Unit, and more)
Formats: Kindle (print edition in the future)ASIN: B00P49VD0S
ISBN: 978-0-9909847-1-9
Pages: ? I believe this would be around 210–220 pages if printed
Age Level: 7–13 but I prefer to say ALL AGES, Boston terrier lovers, and dog lovers
Grade Level: 2–8
Price: $2.99 to buy (free via Kindle Unlimited, free via Lending Library with Amazon Prime)
Short Tagline:
A superpowered Boston terrier puppy versus evil robots.
After a scary experience at the park, a Boston terrier puppy
named Tulip gains incredible powers as evil robots begin to cause all sorts or
mischief about town.
Tulip, a tiny Boston terrier puppy, always thought she was
adventurous and brave; at least she did until the scary incident at the park. Now,
feeling smaller and more vulnerable than ever, Tulip discovers her owner’s
comic books, and her dreams of becoming a superhero help her cope with her fear.
But when a mysterious comet appears in the sky, giving her incredible powers, she
no longer feels weak and small, that is until evil robots begin robbing banks.
With the help of Obie, her know-it-all brother, Tulip decides to play the hero
and stop the robots once and for all, but it will take more than fantastic
powers to beat the mechanized menaces, especially when their enigmatic leader,
Bad Boss, makes his true plans known.
About the Author (
Don McMillan is a writer, graphic artist, and lover of comic books. He spent the first ten years of his life in Akron, OH, and moved to California in 1980. Don lives in Santa Barbara with his wife, Amy, and their Boston terrier, Tulip.
About the Author (From the Book):
DON McMILLAN lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife, Amy, and their Boston terrier, Tulip. He is working on the second Tulip book, writing comic books, writing his blog, and learning graphic design. Follow him on Twitter @TheDonMcMillan.
Or visit him online at
TULIP and OBIE live in Santa Barbara, California, where they scrounge food, chase crows, and chew up plush toys. They both dream of being much bigger dogs than they actually are, and are hard at work lying on the big pillow in the sunny part of the house. Tulip does not have a social media presence as of yet, and Obie refuses to establish one, saying that it is but a tool used by megacorporations to track his every waking moment.
There you have it. I’ve done a bit of research on the marketing of books, release campaigns, and such and decided to go in reverse order of what most suggest, as — let’s face it — no one knows who the heck I am aside from my small microcosm of readers, friends, and family. Plus, composing a promotional campaign before releasing Kibbles ’N’ Bots would have only created further delays in getting it out there, and I figure the best promotion for this book will be releasing the second volume, then the third, and finally the fourth. We’ll see.
That said, I can use your help. If you like my book, by all means tell some one. If you really like my book, then please write a glowing review. If you hate it, then you are only out $2.99, or nothing if you used Kindle Unlimited or Lending Library, so no skin off your back, Jack.
My future plans with this…if enough people like the book and buzz is positive, then I will add chapter illustrations and bring the book to print. The plan is to start the followup book next week, and then once that draft is finished, I will lock it away for six weeks, and begin planning for roughly four issues of a comic book mini-series that will feature short stories centered around Tulip, another centered around Obie, and a third that tells a Mightor the Majestic (when you read the book this will make sense) story. I already know the major beats of the next three books, as well as how the series ends, and each will every bit, if not more, wacky, weird, and fun as Kibbles ’N’ Bots.
I’ve grown immensely as a writer since starting KnB and I am as excited for its release, as I am to get started on the followup. I sincerely hope you like it, so please tell you friends, your family, your dog, your mail carrier, and that weirdo who hangs out at the end of your block who you should really call the cops on, about Kibbles ’N’ Bots.

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